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Bohan   August 18th, 2010 5:42p.m.

A couple of days ago I nuked all the vocab I had saved (on purpose) . Since then I have saved new lists but everytime I go to the Practice Navigation Page, it says "Items Due Now: 0" . What do I have to do to get the Spaced Repetion thing to work?

nick   August 18th, 2010 5:52p.m.

Looks like you figured it out? I see you've added some items from your lists now. Just keep practicing "everything" and ensure you have enough new material to be added from your lists when you're ready for it.

Bohan   August 20th, 2010 7:59p.m.

Hi Nick,
Yeah, I sort of have it figured out, expect I'm confused about one thing. It seems like on the top of the Practice Navigation Page, where it says" _ Items Due Now", there is always a number there, even if I go through all of the words it originally wanted me to go through. So, if I wake up and go onto Skritter, and see that it says: "26 Items Due Now" , and I go through all 26 of the items , after that I'll see something like: "38 Items Due Now". I don't understand this

nick   August 23rd, 2010 11:16a.m.

It is probable that many words were added during the practice, especially at first. If those shared many common components, you could end up with more due than you started. Generally it should be less unless you took a break somewhere in between.

The items due counters is always weirder when you have few items due, are adding items, or have just started with Skritter. You have all three, so I wouldn't worry about it too much yet--it'll stabilize before too long.

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