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小的横折 not always recognized

Mandarinboy   August 20th, 2010 7:24p.m.

Can I in any way trim skritters recognition of small 横折 like in 晚? I am running chrome with a bamboo tablet and for many of those small strokes, especially 横折 and 竖钩 i need to be at least 97% accurate in placement and size to get accepted.

Mandarinboy   August 20th, 2010 7:31p.m.

Fun, The héng part seems ok i the topic header but is shown as a Unicode box in the subject field in the forum. Can this be my Japanese shift JIS that messing this up maybe? Now i start to understand why my Chinese parents in law complains about my Chinese typing in windows live:-)

nick   August 23rd, 2010 11:18a.m.

Try just making the strokes bigger, or doing them faster? For recognition, ideally you would make a quick, medium-sized, straight horizontal line, then do a quick, sharp turn into a medium-sized straight diagonal line, and the whole thing would be centered on the center of the stroke in the writing box.

skritterjohan   August 24th, 2010 3:29a.m.

Any changes in stroke recognition would also make for all the rest of us to have to re-train ourselves :)

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