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5 / go -- Heisig

jamesemerson   December 18th, 2010 10:42p.m.

Second stroke (long diagonal stroke) is often unrecognized; please adjust the sensitivity for the stroke recognition for this kanji, thanks.

ddapore99   December 18th, 2010 11:21p.m.

It's better to use the feedback button (lower right corner of the page when you're studying) to report things like that.

ジェレミー (Jeremy)   December 18th, 2010 11:24p.m.

there's other minor stroke fixes that could be done (I can think of a few that almost never pick up), that this seems minute. it *should* perhaps be more lenient when very diagonal, but imho it's fine

theres a feedback report button at the bottom right of the practice page, any feedback left there is probably better--
i've been told the same, so i'm kindly passing that along before someone else inevitably does

nick   December 19th, 2010 3:33p.m.

The feedback tab on the practice page is just easier for you and won't interrupt your studies, and it automatically includes the character you're working on. Up to you, though.

I've put this one on my list to work over next time I do a round of tuning on the recognition. It would help if you could describe a bit more how you are used to drawing it, where it doesn't recognize. Like, what angle do you write it at, and are you writing with a mouse, Wacom, etc.? Thanks!

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