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studied characters amount

Kewt   March 19th, 2011 7:32a.m.


I was just wondering : as I study both simplified and traditional characters, does the number of studied characters in my "progress" page represent the total of simplified + traditional forms I know, or the number of characters I studied in 1 or 2 forms ?

Example : if it's written 1000 characters, is that 700 simplified characters + 300 traditional characters, or 1000 simplified characters + 400 traditional characters ?

Got it ? That makes a big difference, I think and I'm not in the mood for checking it by myself counting all my words ;)

Foo Choo Choon   March 19th, 2011 8:22a.m.

"Writing" displays the total, i.e. sum of both.

In your case, "Tone" should display the approximate number of simplified characters learned, assuming you know all the simplified versions for your traditional characters and also assuming the number of unknown characters is negligible. Subtract this number from the "Writing" total and you should have an approximate estimate for the number of simplified characters.

[There are several issues with calculating the figure in this way, but in the general case they are negligible enough to be shaved away by Occam's razor.]

Foo Choo Choon   March 19th, 2011 8:24a.m.

2 mistakes, 请多多包涵

... also assuming the number of unknown character _tones_ is negligible. Subtract this number from the "Writing" total and you should have an approximate estimate for the number of _traditional_ characters.

Kewt   March 19th, 2011 8:58a.m.

Ok I knew I couldn't know yet about 1000 characters !!!
Thanks for the explanation

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