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NPCR vs. (比) Pimsleurs Audio Tapes

funchinese   November 7th, 2011 3:58a.m.

Hello everyone,

I would like to ask someone who has experience of New Practical Chinese Reader (NPCR) and Pimsleur's Audio Courses. How do these compare in terms of teaching you grammar structures.

NPCR reader seems rather comprehensive whereas I do not know about Pimsleurs Audio lessons.

I am currently in the middle of book 2 of NPCR but I am finding it hard to use the grammar that I am learning in my everyday language, at least in a natural way without having to force myself.

I have already done the 23 first lessons of Pimsleur Mandarin Chinese I and I felt that it has helped my pronounciation as well as use some grammar structures.

I am currently in China studying at a foreign language university so I don't know if it would be worthwhile for me to continue with the Pimsleur lessons.

Thank you!

石磊   November 7th, 2011 4:49a.m.

I am currently finishing the final lessons in book 5 of NPCR. It has been a long road to complete them all, but I have found that the 5 books provide a structured approach to learning Chinese that has been very helpful throughout my studies.

While I have used NPCR to provide the framework, I have also used many other sources of material and, as you say, Pimsleur is very helpful for pronunciation and listening.

So I would suggest continuing with both, using NPCR as your framework and Pimsleur for your more relaxed learning resource.

StEskil   November 7th, 2011 8:31a.m.

I have listened the 30 lessons of Pimsleur and I like the tapes for their contant demand of speaking. I like that too, that you can study those without a book. I like NPCR, too. I´m using it for self-study and now I´m in the beginning of the book 2. I love having a lot of material, so for me is not choosing between any. We have a Finnish book in the class, but I consider NPCR being my number one.

The real problem is, that I´m too hooked to Skritter! I said myself: Once I´m on the 1000 character limit, I stop adding and concentrate in sentences. But no. Maybe I need some therapy.

雅各   November 8th, 2011 12:12a.m.

Minor point of order regarding your subject line. The correct word you are looking for is:

NPCR 對 Pimsleurs Audio Tape

VS translates directly to 對
If you want to use 比 you have include a verb at the end.

(To answer your original question, use BOTH. no one material is better than the other.The more "comprehensible input" you can get, the better!)

quimby   November 8th, 2011 12:18p.m.

I think Pimsleur is excellent for pronounciation and a decent supplement for grammer. But I was able to get Pimsleur from the library for free so it wasn't an either/or proposition. It's been useful for listening to something when riding the bus. This site has also been useful for audio comprehension/pronounciation: http://www.slow-chinese.com/

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