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New list problems

murrayjames   February 26th, 2010 7:03p.m.

I'm having new problems editing my lists.

So far my list is short--only two sections of around 30 words each. The list is unpublished, and is called "Elementary Chinese Readers 2". When I click to "Edit" my list, only the first section appears. The second section (and its words) do not appear, and they don't load with time.

Then I tried remixing the list. All my sections and words show up, no problem. But when I save, it goes to this screen:

Please wait while we put this list into our system.
Beginning processing...

And stays stuck there forever. The remixed list goes to the "Unsaved Drafts" tab, but never makes it to the "Your Lists" tab. I've had both of these "Edit" and "Remixing" problems a number of times today, each time off of the same list.

murrayjames   February 26th, 2010 7:15p.m.

UPDATE: The lists have shown up in my "Your Lists" tab, sort of. The lists are there, but their title is "none" and they are completely empty.

scott   February 26th, 2010 8:43p.m.

Got it. A bug introduced when I made the backup system for the lists. When editing lists, it was mistaking the backed up drafts for editable drafts (it makes sure you don't have two edits of the same list open at once), and so was trying to have you edit those, when there were also mechanisms in place to keep you from editing those backups. Mixed signals, for sure.

Fix will be uploaded momentarily.

scott   February 26th, 2010 9:07p.m.

Alright, the fix is up. Let me know if that fixes everything! You can just delete the empty lists.

murrayjames   February 26th, 2010 11:02p.m.

Yes everything is great now. Thanks Scott!

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