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"You have done x items in x minutes of studying"

jcardenio   July 17th, 2010 3:48p.m.

I was thinking about this today, trying to play around with doing different components one at a time to see what is fastest. It would be really nice to see the number of items done alongside the number of minutes each day.

I can kinda guess by watching the number due count down, but we all know that that is an inexact method.

I see this as being both a good motivator, (know exactly what you have managed to do), as well as a good tool for letting you refine technique and try to optimize for speed. Plus it'll be a little added motivation to try to get faster and up your items/minute rate!

Just out of curiosity, what is everyone's rate? With all items enabled, I'm usually about 10/minute. If I have 100 items due, it'll take me about 10 minutes to get through.

Byzanti   July 17th, 2010 3:59p.m.

That's pretty fast! Much faster than me. Don't know my rate though, no emails.

Hey, they now have a totals button on the progress page. Neat.

nick   July 17th, 2010 4:21p.m.

We would have to add another graph to the progress page, mirroring the "Time Studied" graph, that told you how many items you did. I could see how that would look interesting, but the data wouldn't necessarily be that meaningful because of how frequently the composition of different types of reviews change from day to day.

For example, when you do a bunch of reading prompts, you review a ton of items per word, but when you do a definition prompt, you only review that one item. So a day with more definitions in it would have less items, even if you ended up doing more items that were do.

What I'm trying to say is that straight items/time can be a misleading statistic when it can't be differentiated by part, and it wouldn't be useful to add a different items per day graph for each part.

jcardenio   July 17th, 2010 4:45p.m.

Yeah, that makes sense. I guess I am not really thinking anything as formal or complicated as that. I was just thinking more along the lines of how many items done today-the definition for items being the exact same as the in the chart for how many items are due.

The main reason I really want that is just to know how many items (as defined in the "due" statistics) I've done. It can be disheartening when I feel like I'm practicing forever, but the queue isn't dropping because new items are coming due and/or I'm repeating items until I learn them. I think it would be satisfying to know that, yeah, the queue only went from 100 - 50, but I really did do 82 items or somesuch.

I still think the rate would be interesting, but i agree that it wouldn't be a totally rigorous statistic. (A realtime rate next to the skritter clock in the practice page would be awesome though!)

Just something to think about. These are numbers I keep trying to back out of the system with the info I do have.

Rolands   July 18th, 2010 2:54a.m.

I love the new "totals" table. Very motivating, and you immediatelly see where retention rate is lowest

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