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simplified/traditional problem with the word popup

jww1066   August 6th, 2010 9:52a.m.

I study both traditional and simplified. When I look at the popup for something like 肌 that is the same in both traditional and simplified, the component breakdown is showing the meanings of the *simplified* components. In the case of 肌 it says that its components are

月 yuè: moon; month, flesh
几 jǐ, jī: small table; how many; several; a few, almost

but this isn't correct for traditional, where 几 only means "small table". Even more confusing, when I click on 几 it shows the popup for the traditional variant.


克里斯   August 7th, 2010 4:02a.m.

I agree, the component breakdown seems to be tailored for simplified characters. There are still many traditional characters with no explanation (either missing or empty).


nick   August 7th, 2010 9:17a.m.

What would you want the definition of 几 to read in that decomposition? It seems to me that the simplified, combined definition is better than the one that is traditional-only, especially as you're studying both. Unless you want the decomposition itself to note that there are two definitions? In these variant character cases where one of the traditionals is the same as the simplified, it's always the case that the simplified definition is a superset of the traditional.

I've fixed the bug such that the simplified is preferred over the traditional in ambiguous cases in popups spawned from decomps like that. Not perfect, but doing it perfectly would be slower, and hopefully it will hardly ever come up.

Missing traditional characters in decomps should be helped by the decomp-fixer script when it's ready.

jww1066   August 7th, 2010 12:24p.m.

@nick yeah, I think it's confusing to display the simplified definition without indicating somehow that there is a variant situation going on. Maybe an asterisk or other visual cue that would mean "this component has different meanings in simplified and traditional"? Then you can show the simplified definition and the user can click on that component to get the gory details.

In the case where the user is studying only traditional, I would imagine you would only want to show traditional definitions throughout.

The problem with the 几 popup is still happening; not sure based on your comment if it was supposed to be fixed. Here's how to duplicate it:

1. study both simplified and traditional
2. put 机 into the scratchpad
3. click on the magnifying glass when you get to the simplified version of 机
4. the component breakdown is 木 and 几; click on 几
5. you see the *traditional* definition for 几: "small table (Kangxi radical 16)"


nick   August 7th, 2010 10:06p.m.

Yeah, I haven't uploaded the fix yet.

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