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Two topics unrelated

jcdoss   August 9th, 2010 3:39p.m.

...to each other, but both relevant to Skritter.

First, as an avid fan of the Progress page, I'd like to point out that the little pop-up window for the right-most "time spent" bar is hidden behind an invisible window again. It was like this when you first put up the new design, then it went away, now it's back. I can't see the numbers for how long I actually spent on the current day.

Second, about vocabulary lists... I've been perusing the free audio files at ChinesePod and have been adding the Skritter vocab lessons one at a time. I envision a day soon where I have umpteen bajillion ChinesePod lists in my list of lists. What happens if I click the "X" on the right of an item in the list of lists? Assuming I've gone through the list (ie, no more new items), will I get to keep studying stuff from the list?


Byzanti   August 9th, 2010 3:55p.m.

When you click the X button you get a choice. If you hit 'stop adding' it'll make the list name vanish...

jcdoss   August 9th, 2010 7:13p.m.

So if I click "Stop Adding," then everything in the queue will continue to show up on schedule, right?

Just trying to be uber-anally-retentively-sure I'm not going to lose stuff.

Byzanti   August 9th, 2010 8:01p.m.

If we're being uber-anally-retentive, then my answer is that stuff being added from the queue has nothing to do with lists, so of course... But otherwise, nope - you wont lose anything which you've already seen in practice, such things will continue to appear.

nick   August 10th, 2010 8:37a.m.

Funny you should mention. We're actually in a big debate about whether the encouraged action is to remove all words from a list when you "X" it to stop adding from it, or to just stop adding and keep reviewing. George thinks it's too confusing to have the extra "reviewing-but-not-adding" state. I think that with many UI tweaks, it won't be confusing, and that it would be a big power loss to not keep reviewing lists from which you don't want to continue adding. We battle!

I see a fix for the time spent tooltip and will upload that later today.

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