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It says many words come from Lesson 1 when they don't really

costeni   October 14th, 2010 8:37a.m.

I keep finding that many words are said by Skritter to come from Lesson 1 when that is not the case at all. Any idea what's going on and if I can stop it? Here's one, pasted:

live up to one's reputation

New word

Added from New Practical Chinese Reader:Lesson 1

nick   October 15th, 2010 12:01p.m.

When did you add these words? Scott and I took a look but couldn't figure out what was going on here.

costeni   October 18th, 2010 4:48a.m.

I'm not sure when I added them. For New Practical Chinese Reader I've gone through it from the beginning. Maybe things could be complicated by the fact that I added in another text book for a few months (Short-Term Spoken Chinese) and then removed it? I don't really know, but it happens for a lot of words which certainly don't come from lesson 1.

costeni   October 18th, 2010 7:58a.m.

Here's a more informative answer to your question. I know that this word 企业was actually added within the past week or two, from lesson 32 of New Practical Chinese Reader, but as you see from what I've pasted below, Skritter says it was added from New Practical Chinese Reader:Lesson 1.

企业 got it (writing)
company; business; firmshared as correction

他着手创办新企业. tā zhuóshǒu chuàngbàn xīn qǐyè.
He embarked on a new enterprise.change
studied 2 days ago: due (104%)
Added from New Practical Chinese Reader:Lesson 1

add word mnemonic (0)


show 业 yè
industry; job; studies; alreadyshared as correction

nick   October 18th, 2010 4:21p.m.

We'll check it out further and hopefully solve the bug. Thanks for the bug report, and your patience!

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