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Custom definitions per list.

SpokeLee   October 19th, 2010 7:40a.m.

Would anyone else like to see this feature? Basically custom definitions could be specific to what ever list they were edited in end that word would use the default definition everywhere else like your queue or other lists. I think this would be useful for paralleling vocabulary with your study material.

FatDragon   October 19th, 2010 7:56a.m.

I've thought the same thing - particularly in relation to the swear words list, since half of the stuff there is pretty innocuous without a custom definition...

Then again, what happens when you've got one word added with multiple list-specific custom definitions?

贺知宝   October 19th, 2010 7:57a.m.

That would be great

nick   October 19th, 2010 9:01a.m.

We used to have this, when we first started. It was a huge pain and we then switched away from it to great relief. Bit of a pain sometimes, like on the swear words list, to have the general definition, but a lot cleaner overall.

Thomas   October 19th, 2010 9:39a.m.

Skritter is already very complicated for the new user. I think these kinds of features would only make it worse.

'Where did my definition go?'

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