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Removing published lists

vukimp   January 25th, 2011 7:17p.m.

I tested publishing a list. I need to remove it now. How do I do that?

nick   January 25th, 2011 8:01p.m.

Currently you can't, as the system is cautious about removing lists which others may be studying. But it's overcautious. I've unpublished it for you, so you can delete it or edit it.

vukimp   January 25th, 2011 8:38p.m.

Thanks Nick

marchey   January 26th, 2011 4:25a.m.

@Nick: Maybe skritter should just test if a published list is in use or not. If it is not, uplublishing it should be possible. If it has been added by another user you could either reject the request for unpublishing it, or accept it and make al other users involved work on private copies. my 0.02


nick   January 26th, 2011 7:52a.m.

Yeah, there's lots of room for improvement with it. We might try to pull in something like that soon when we make the lists know when new material has been added to the end better.

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