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Feature Suggestion

russcore   October 24th, 2011 11:59a.m.

Most characters are broken down into components on the right hand side. Whenever there is a component that seems to be pretty important to learn individually, I like to add it to my study list -- so that I can make better use of the mnemonics.

Feature: Perhaps, it'd be possible to prioritize the components? For example, "Add with high priority" -- or at least higher priority than the character I'm currently learning, so that I can focus on the more basic parts first.

For example, lets say I'm learning the word 鲜,I'd like to be able to add 鱼 and 羊 to my list (which I can currently do. But the part I'd like to do is learn those smaller two parts first.

Foo Choo Choon   October 24th, 2011 12:52p.m.

In terms of efficiency, it makes a lot of sense to review purely on the basis of the due score.

However, you can still prioritize vocabulary yourself without destroying the algorithm: Add the items (radicals and other character components in your case) to a separate list and then "Study a Single Vocab List".

russcore   October 24th, 2011 3:06p.m.

I agree with you on the review part. I'm referring to the learning stage.

I don't know much about the algorithm or how it's implemented, and what I'm saying is just merely a suggestion.

It seems as if words are tagged "learning mode" and "long term memory mode."

While in "learning mode," I think it'd be neat if there was a button that said, "Learn components first" which would temporarily remove the character you were working on, and after the components have progressed into "long term memory mode" the character you elected to "learn the components (for) first" would be returned to your "learning mode" queue.

It seems pretty easy to imagine a way that it wouldn't break the algorithm...Here's one suggestion

LM "learning mode"
LTMM "long term memory mode"

...So imagine you click the button I suggested for 鲜, then you it'd move 鲜 from LM into a waiting list, and add 鱼 and 羊 to LM if they weren't already in LM or LTMM.

Now each time a character gets promoted from LM to LTMM, it could just check the waiting list to see if any of those characters could be released and returned to LM. Even if the characters released back into LM were reset, that'd be find.

nick   October 24th, 2011 6:06p.m.

russcore, I see what you're saying, and I agree that it would be useful. It's much more complicated to implement than it seems, though. I don't think we'll get to the point where we can build something like this.

You could use the above suggestion to learn the components first if you added them to the list from the word popups on your vocab list page, before you studied them, so that you could study the components list you made before studying through the main character list.

ddapore99   October 24th, 2011 7:34p.m.

The Heisig lists are given in order so you might want to study Remembering the Hanzi book 1 first.

russcore   October 25th, 2011 1:20a.m.

Thanks ^^

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