When you guys originally unveiled the banning words function, I didn't really like it.
I just couldn't really imagine disliking a word so much that I would what to 'ban' it for ever, what was the problem with either deleting it from a specific list or removing it from your words to be added again later in better context.
I guess I just love words ;) banning them sounded so harsh...
But I have to say the way you guys implemented it is really great!
Now I can actually see myself using it (even though I will reserve myself the right to see it as a 'on-hold for now'-function ;).
What I really like is that I can determine which parts to ban and which to keep.
You have been talking about deciding which parts to study on a list basis. I think with the banning you're already really close.
You can already ban several (all) words in one section at once.
You can also choose which parts to ban if you ban an individual word.
Why not combine those two functions?
If you don't want to interrupt the banning lots of words with one click flow by the 'What parts do you want to ban' pop-up, why not add an 'Ban Parts' option to the 'Word Actions...' drop-down menu.
This would be very helpful to me and I imagine my fellow skritteres as well.