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characters disappearing from my list?

ulyart   March 9th, 2010 3:24p.m.

I haven't ever deleted a word from my list, but since yesterday my number of words "added" has shrunk. (The same thing has happened to my number of words "learned" - but that would be easier to explain, at least with my current understanding of added and learned words)

Indeed my stats show 746 words learned for 712 words added.

Shouldn't the number of words learned always be lower than the number of words added? Am I misunderstanding the concept of added and learned words?

hmm... or maybe 712 is the number of added and as of yet unlearned words and 746 the number of added AND learned words? Which would add up to a total of 1458 characters added since I've been using Skritter?

ulyart   March 9th, 2010 3:46p.m.

oops... I meant "characters" above when I wrote "words".

also, and this is just a minor detail, but the graphical representation of my "characters learned" over time, which is hovering now at 910, doesn't seem to bear a relationship to either number in my stats.

scott   March 9th, 2010 5:45p.m.

The table in the lower left corner shows numbers for the range you're viewing. When you click the progress tab, it shows you your progress for the last 7 days. So the table is showing you how many words you have added in the last 7 days, not total. In the upper left corner of the table, there are 'range' and 'total' links you can click to go back and forth between the two sets of numbers. You can also expand the view to year or month to get a broader range.

It's a common misconception! Not sure how we can best make it clearer...

ulyart   March 9th, 2010 7:42p.m.

Thanks so much for your explanation. It's all clear to me now.

Since this was a statistics page, I misinterpreted "total/range" as a ratio and never realized it was a toggling button.

An added confusion comes from the text colors of the column headings. "added" "learned" and "# Reviews" are in white, but "total" and "range", whichever currently applies, is in BLACK, while the INACTIVE heading is in white.

In addition, the column headings are in white, and the row headings ("words", "characters", "tones") in black.

To be a bit more consistent, I would make, for instance, all row AND column headings in white. And the toggle words in white and grey: white for the active view and grey for the non-active view.

Instead of the word "range", you could also explicitly write "this week" "this month" or "this year" depending on the time-range selected in the progress viewer...

because actually, I misinterpreted "range" to refer to the total number of words on my vocab lists. (I know there are thousands of items in my lists that are gradually being folded into active review.)

Anyway, just some ideas to help out the first-time user. As I said, once you explain it, it's crystal clear.

ulyart   March 9th, 2010 7:45p.m.

okay, I just looked closely at "total" and "range" and realized that they are maybe in black and grey? It's a bit hard to tell. In any case at first glance I interpreted them as black and white.

scott   March 10th, 2010 9:06a.m.

The progress page is due for some reworking (so that you can view reading and definition progress, for example) so I'll put these suggestions in as part of the reworking, see if they can make that table clearer. Thanks!

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