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Is it possible to study Chinese AND Japanese with one account?

fhuang   March 10th, 2013 12:47p.m.

I see that it is possible to toggle the target language between Japanese and Chinese in the study settings.

But I'm a little worried that this might screw up my progress/stats, i.e. toggling to Japanese might delete my Chinese studied words or so.

So here's my question: Any chance that my progress is deleted if I toggle to Japanese? Or is it indeed possible to study Chinese AND Japanese with a single account? And if so, are there individual records kept for each language?

(I've looked through the forums and the help files, but didn't find the answer anywhere, so sorry if this has come up before...)

Many thanks in advance!

Bohan   March 10th, 2013 1:06p.m.

I don't work for the site, but I'm pretty sure the answer is yes

Evan   March 10th, 2013 5:48p.m.

Yep, you can study both languages with no problem. I should note, however, that stats are kept separately for each language. The recall process would differ between languages-- you could get one character wrong in one language while getting it right in the other, for instance.

fhuang   March 10th, 2013 6:23p.m.

That sounds perfect!

I'll try it out right away.
Thanks a lot!

Unprovincial   March 11th, 2013 4:19a.m.

Would that work with the iOS apps as well?

Alan   March 11th, 2013 1:52p.m.

There are seperate iOS apps for Chinese and Japanese. You can log into both with the same Skritter account.

If you click on some people's names you will see seperate stats for both languages, if they have studied both.

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