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'New' words for old

costeni   April 29th, 2010 1:04a.m.

I de-activated then re-activated the NPCR textbook list, and find Skritter is going through all the old chapters adding the old words as 'new', although its records show that it knows that I already know them. How can I stop this? I want it to start adding the really new words.

Doug (松俊江)   April 29th, 2010 1:25a.m.

Is it the entire word or just the new parts (e.g. if you didn't add definitions to study before the definitions are "new"). I must admit being thrown for a loop by this too.

scott   April 29th, 2010 9:15a.m.

In an effort to simplify, we made it so that when you enable a list for study you only choose which sections are studied and which are skipped, rather than before when you chose skipped sections *and* which section to start with. So whenever you enable a list for study, it starts at the first section that is checked for study (it says in the selection process where it will begin adding, next to the section).

It looks like in your case, you didn't add the reading for those words the last time through, so it's adding those this time. So if you want to keep adding those so you have everything on the list, then you should leave it be; it shouldn't take long to catch up and it's not affecting the parts already added. But if you'd rather not, then for that list click 'More Actions' and then "Study Settings" in the drop down. Deselect the sections you don't want to study.

In the future, if you plan to keep studying a list, it's better to pause the list from the active lists box in the practice page. Then you can easily enable/disable adding, and it won't reset your position in the list.

I'm not sure exactly how to improve this... though one thing I might do is with the new list system, make it possible to choose exactly what word you're adding from, although that would be separate from the section selection process, so it wouldn't be exactly clear you could do this.

Well, one thing that could be done is, when a list is being re-enabled like in your case, or the sections are being changed, it could provide a simple option: start at section x, where you were last time, or start at the beginning of the selected area. Do you think this would help?

costeni   April 29th, 2010 10:08p.m.

Thanks for the clear explanation, and I can see that the current choices are quite sensible. I should have known how to pause a list, then I wouldn't have disabled the list completely. I suppose your last suggestion could help, but actually it could also harm the naive user (like me) so I think better to stick with the current set-up. As you say, no harm in me ploughing through the reading bits that I'd missed - it's just the phrase 'new word' that throws the user when s/he knows s/he's already in some sense 'done' that word and that section (chapter). Thanks

costeni   April 29th, 2010 10:42p.m.

Though actually, how do I "pause the list from the active lists box in the practice page". When I go to the practice page, I only see 'cram' and 'remove' as options next to each list, I don't see a 'pause' option.

scott   April 30th, 2010 11:48a.m.

You're talking about the practice navigation page. By practice page, I mean when you're actually studying the words (yeah I know, it's a little vague!). When you're studying everything or a single list, the upper right corner has the settings button and the active lists button and the volume control. So you can play/pause a list while you're studying.

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