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Weekend bug fixed

scott   July 19th, 2010 1:33p.m.

Last Friday I uploaded a bug that probably caused confusion for many Chinese learners:

Adding words from lists would only add traditional words or characters. Those who are studying just simplified were most affected because it would appear to skip past words for which there was a traditional option. In the backend, it was actually adding the traditional versions of words, but then not bringing them up for study because only simplified was being studied. Simplified words added before the bug were unaffected and studied normally.

Also, cramming sections would only have the traditional versions of words studied. So if you were only studying simplified, it would only offer those words for which there was no traditional variant, so lots of words were skipped when cramming sections.

Luckily there was no lasting damage. For all those that added from lists but skipped words in the process, I've reverted those lists to the point they were at on Friday, so just keep studying as normal and the ones that were skipped should show up properly this time. And cramming sections now works correctly again.

TLDR: This past weekend, the site didn't work quite right for people studying simplified Chinese when adding new words from lists or cramming individual sections. All fixed.

scott   July 19th, 2010 2:16p.m.

Oh yes, and this bug also affected exporting lists, so that it exported traditional words when it should have been exporting simplified words.

Barbara Adler (AiLeru)   July 19th, 2010 3:16p.m.

Thanks, Scott.
And by the way, is there a method to star a new word as I add it to a list?

murrayjames   July 19th, 2010 9:07p.m.

Thanks Scott!

skritterjohan   July 20th, 2010 6:06a.m.

I saw a simplified character today even though I am only studying traditional. It was part of a 6 letter word.

scott   July 20th, 2010 3:41p.m.

@Barbara Adler Currently there's no way to star a word while you're editing the list.

We've got a word popup coming up that will let you do lots of cool things. The star will be put in there eventually, at which point you'll be able to star a word anywhere you can click it to open up more info on it, which would be in lists, in the queue, or in the viewer.

@skritterjohan: That appears to be a different but related bug. We're working on it.

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