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Small feature request

west316   September 5th, 2010 9:19a.m.

Sorry. I know the developers are overwhelmed with killing bugs and feature requests as it is. However, I have a simple request. I want a customizable cap on the maximum amount of time you have to wait to review something. In my opinion, You should review just about everything at the BARE MINIMUM of once a year. I already have words in there with wait times of 13+ months. If I remember correctly, one or two words is 18 monthsish.

I really don't want to nuke this account again now that I finally have all of my textbooks uploaded and can start working on new words. A simple option in my account area to dictate the maximum amount of time I have to wait between reviews would be great.

Byzanti   September 5th, 2010 11:40a.m.

This has been discussed before... I can't say I want to review "你好“ and "小" or "王子" whatever once a year. Lots of this stuff - especially basic stuff that will have the longest reviews - you will be reminded of elsewhere as long as you keep up your Chinese. Unnecessary to review. I have enough of them as it is!

jww1066   September 5th, 2010 11:55a.m.

Yeah I don't think I would use this either if they put it in. My impression from using flash cards and Anki is that the algorithm is pretty good and you should trust it to keep your studies efficient. Otherwise you're reviewing too many easy items, which should be coming up anyway in real life if you're actually using the language and they're actually useful items.


nick   September 6th, 2010 10:06p.m.

Probably more useful, and coming before this is an issue for you, west316, might be something to force quiz yourself on everything you supposedly know. (Although instead we might just offer printable quizzes, which wouldn't help reset the forgotten items, but might be more interesting.)

west316   September 7th, 2010 12:04p.m.

@ Nick

That is ultimately what I am looking for. I would want it to reset what is and isn't known. That is a pleasant feature to hear about. Thanks.

Also, since I am posting anyway, I want to express my appreciation for a feature that isn't really a feature in the normal sense.

Skritter's natural ability to sift through all of the stuff you know so that a new word list only adds the new words is incredible. I doubt you realize just how much time this has saved me. I just started the HSK 5 list and for the first two parts, 100 words, I only needed to really study maybe a quarter of them. Given that I already knew all of the characters but one, it went by so quickly that it was amazing. I know it is a small thing, but you all have saved me a ton of time. THANKS!

nick   September 7th, 2010 12:08p.m.

Awesome! I find it so satisfying to look at a section I've never studied and see it 80% green.

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