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Using the "so-so" or 马马虎虎 rating

Foo Choo Choon   October 15th, 2010 10:21a.m.


It's become rather rare that I don't know a character at all, in most cases I'm slightly wrong about one of its components, so I use the "so-so" rating - perhaps four or five times as much as the "wrong" rating.

Does a 马马虎虎 count as wrong or right, or as a mixture of both? (for the statistics)

Do the intervals get adjusted automatically? For instance, if I marked a sizeable quantity of fairly difficult characters as 马马虎虎, would this shorten the average interval of all characters I mark as 马马虎虎?
Or, the other way round, if I didn't mark anything as 马马虎虎at all, would this increase the interval length of all characters I mark as "wrong"?


jww1066   October 15th, 2010 11:36a.m.

AFAIK "so-so" means it'll be repeated at the same interval. So if it was repeated after 8 weeks and you hit so-so it will be repeated in another 8 weeks. For that reason I tend to use "wrong" more in this case.

nick   October 15th, 2010 11:50a.m.

It's a little less than the same interval, usually. But, it does adjust depending on how often you then get it right after that interval. So if you keep marking stuff as so-so and then missing it the next time, your so-so intervals will become shorter. If you almost always get it right after a so-so grade, they'll become longer.

Same thing for the other buttons, really. So the effect of the forgot, so-so, right, and too-easy grades all calibrate to how you use them and your target retention rate. Which is great, because there doesn't need to be an objective standard for how to use each grade: over time, each will reflect how you intend to use it.

Using so-so won't affect your forgot intervals.

ximeng   October 16th, 2010 5:36a.m.

穆兒 that's a great goal to work for, basically knowing all the Skritter characters. How many hours of study has it taken to get there if you don't mind me asking? What's your next goal now that you're 90% there on characters?

Foo Choo Choon   October 16th, 2010 3:01p.m.


I'd still have a long way in front of me if I wanted to know "all the Skritter characters" ...

The only thing I can say is that I'm fairly solid about maybe 3000 separate characters, thus currently adding mostly traditional characters so that I don't get bored with obscure ones.

However, time constraints are more severe these days, so I've come to add at a rather slow pace.

Anyway, now that I'm slowly getting rid of my comparative disadvantage in the ability to write characters I can concentrate on other tasks that I wasn't that bad at to begin with.

What about you?

ximeng   October 16th, 2010 5:33p.m.

Since I did HSK last year I've not been studying anywhere near as much. I keep things ticking over with watching a little TV, reading some news, occasionally chatting to people in Chinese. At some point I hope to get the opportunity to work somewhere Chinese-speaking, when that's looking likely I'll probably spend a bit more time on study.

Once I start studying more seriously again, I'll probably spend some time back on writing, vocab and composition, and spend more time on TV / film / listening of native level material. I'm sure I've forgotten many of the characters I could write a year ago, so that wouldn't be a bad place to start.

It'd be fun to learn some Cantonese at some point, but it would feel a bit too much of a luxury to spend time on that just yet. So at the moment it boils down to maintaining the basic level that I have now and waiting for my opportunity to really study hard again. For now I'm happy enough being able to have basic conversations, work Ubuntu in Chinese, and muddle through a newspaper article written in traditional characters.

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