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Vocabulary Viewer

KenM   November 13th, 2010 10:47p.m.

It would be very helpful if the Vocabulary Viewer page had a couple of more features ...

1) Clicking on a column header sorts by that column; clicking a second time does a reverse sort;

2) Have the number of viewable items per page (currently 20) user amendable (or at least chosen from a selection of something like 10/20/50/100);

Others may have additional suggestions ...

cmccorvey   November 14th, 2010 12:06a.m.

I second both of those.

atdlouis   November 14th, 2010 12:47a.m.

Is there a way to know:

1) How many characters we are studying?

2) How many words we are studying?

If this isn't a feature, it should be.

Mandarinboy   November 14th, 2010 12:48a.m.

Those an many other requests have been made earlier and some of them are soon to be included. Have a look at the news letter for October: http://www.skritter.com/newsletters/10-10 for some coming updates.

Mandarinboy   November 14th, 2010 12:54a.m.

@atdlouis, that you can see at the progress page. There you can see how many words / characters you have added and how many you have learned. Change view to month or year depending how long time you have been studying or you will only see the last weeks stats. Click "totals" for some more stats.

FatDragon   November 14th, 2010 1:51a.m.

In the past, those features have been held off on because they're "expensive" (in terms of processing power), and their usefulness is limited - I'm sure a lot of us would pop over there from time to time and flip a few columns back and forth, but would it really enhance our study? Probably not.

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