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How many characters have i learned?

szynka   November 30th, 2010 1:12p.m.

Hi guys, i can see my stats about how many words i have learned, but lot words doesn't have just one character... So I would like to know how many i have done. It is possible?

nickybr38   November 30th, 2010 2:52p.m.

I think it calculates all characters used in a word, not just the word. That's why currently my 'characters' learned exceeds my words learned. :)

west316   November 30th, 2010 4:48p.m.

The characters tab of the progress section keeps track of individual characters. The words tab tracks words. It is common to have far more words than characters since the most common characters are used in a wide variety of words. Just pull up the characters tab and mess with the time settings to see how many characters you have learned.

If you were to add 你好 and you didn't yet know 你 or 好 then you would show +1 on your words section but +2 on your characters section. If you knew both 你 and 好 but didn't know the word 你好 then you would add +1 to your words section but +0 to your characters section.

At least that is my understanding.

Mandarinboy   November 30th, 2010 4:50p.m.

On the progress page you have to the left two sections. Top for characters and bottom for words. If you click any of the words diagrams you switch to a graph with that instead in the big picture. In the upper right corner you also have a button named "totals". Click that for some more nice stats. Remember to switch to month or year if you have studied for a longer period to get you stats. By default you only see the last weeks stats on the page. @nickybr38, That's right, it does calculate the chars in each word as well as single character. Same characters in multiple words is only counted once. For me it took to some 800 characters until i had more words than characters and after that the word total increases much faster than the characters. Very much individual depending on what you study i guess. You can study lists with only combinations of characters you know and then get more words faster. I try to avoid that and study words that is highly frequent instead even thought that means more new characters. Hey, it is the new characters that are the fun after all:-) 加油 ( love the way Chinese combine characters to new words add + oil = put in some effort, 电脑 electricity + brain = computer etc, etc. Can't be much more fun than that)

克里斯   December 1st, 2010 12:21a.m.

I'm learning both, simplified and traditional characters. Are both characters counted or only if I learned both forms? If both are counted, is there a way to find out how many traditional characters I have learned?

nick   December 1st, 2010 9:43a.m.

plonka, we made the decision a while back not to keep that information, as it would have complicated a lot of the backend. So right now your character writings are a sum of the simplified and traditional characters you know, and there isn't an easy way to see just one or the other.

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