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mratranslate   July 20th, 2011 4:49p.m.

Just got my bamboo and it's great!

Need to ask though, has anyone got any recommendations for the optimum screen size and tablet size to use?

Also can you assign a button on the pen to move onto the next word?


cob   July 20th, 2011 7:51p.m.

I recommend keeping a full tablet size. It might take some getting used to, but you'll be able to make more precise and realistic strokes. The left hand keyboard shortcuts are quite helpful if you're using a tablet, e.g. "space bar" to advance to next word, "d" to open up the definitions menu, etc.

Stuart   July 20th, 2011 8:30p.m.

I find that just tapping the right-hand side of the canvas area with the pen is the easiest way to advance to the next word (cursor will change into a right arrow).

Elwin   August 18th, 2011 12:11p.m.

I just picked up my Wacom from the Extreme Challenge, thanks!!
Now I'm wondering, unlike with a tablet, on the Bamboo you can't directly see the result of your handwriting if you're watching down on your hand and pen.
After hours and hours of using the Bamboo, do you guys always ONLY watch the computer screen as you draw on your bamboo, or does your head go up and down all the time? @.@

It feels a little bit strange to watch the screen and not your hand and pen-writing, feels inefficient for muscle-memory.
Maybe I'm just too tired and both options don't feel right atm!

Also, I now write the characters in a small area at the most left-bottom on the Bamboo, it's better on the long-term to use all areas on the Bamboo, I guess... any opinions?

Elwin   August 18th, 2011 12:48p.m.

Hmmm.. I guess the natural thing to do is to look down at the pen-writing and look up at the screen for your result. Not that hard actually ;-)

Just don't understand why when I refresh the Study page, it forgets my choice to use the left-bottom side of the Bamboo screen, and turns into full-screen use.

It's been a pain, everything is in Chinese, from installation to settings, as my illegal Windows 7 is in Chinese.

nick   August 21st, 2011 11:31a.m.

I look at the screen and don't look at my tablet at all. I find it faster that way. But I'm not trying to write precisely, just quickly.

A lot of users report that problem with the screen area resetting, Elwin. It might be something to do with the Wacom plugin. It's a pain, though.

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