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Selecting Trad Variant

junglegirl   October 16th, 2011 3:36a.m.

When adding a definition for a word not previously defined in Skritter, we are required to choose the correct traditional variant from a dropdown list. I have never studied traditional characters and really have no clue about them, so I've just been choosing at random, figuring a baller will eventually correct it. Is this what I should do? Is it possible to make it so that we don't have to choose the traditional variant if we don't know it?

InkCube   October 16th, 2011 6:06a.m.

What I usually do is go to mdbg.net and just look it up. Usually gives you a good idea what to pick.

mcfarljw   October 16th, 2011 6:12a.m.

@inkubus, saying usually means that it's possible you've also added some without being fully certain of the correct traditional characters as well :P

I try to check them too, but admit I've settled with a guess from time to time.

nick   October 16th, 2011 3:28p.m.

If you don't know, and you can't tell from MDBG, you can follow this decision process:

1) If there are multiple traditional variants because one of the characters is the same in simplified and traditional and it's a radical, don't pick that one.

2) Otherwise, pick the first one.

Ballers do check over them, but it's very helpful if you can provide the initial traditional form correctly.

GrandPoohBlah   October 16th, 2011 11:13p.m.

Sorry for interrupting, but what's a baller? I'm assuming it's not a basketball player.

junglegirl   October 17th, 2011 2:48a.m.

I'm not sure of their exact job description, but I think basically they are people who check definitions to make sure they are right. There are several users who have been designated as ballers for different languages.

nick   October 17th, 2011 9:57a.m.

See this blog post for some more details:


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