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Repetition adjustment (special mode)

smhon   November 8th, 2010 9:30p.m.

How do I adjust the interval and number of repetitions for a word I get wrong? Would like to have a chance to select those that say I got wrong the last 2-3 times to be repeated in a frequent interval e.g.

Idea here is to be able to select a type of practice session that only covers words I am weakest at and to increase the repetition and reduce the interval.

I think so as not to mess up the algorithm, this can be done without influencing the normal practice scoring. Then when I switch back to normal mode, the scoring will resume. Hopefully by then, the weaker words would have been mastered and the word score reflective of current ability.

wb   November 8th, 2010 10:26p.m.

the only thing that comes to my mind is starring the words and cram them...

jww1066   November 8th, 2010 11:32p.m.

wb is correct; what you are describing here is exactly what the Cram mode is for. But I would back up a little bit and ask why you want so many repetitions.

The guy who wrote Supermemo says that if you have to repeat items so often, you need to change your strategy. Use mnemonics, relate new items to previously-known items, erase the items and rewrite them from memory, memorize one of the example sentences, ANYTHING to make the item stick better in your memory. Then you won't have to repeat it ten trillion times to remember it.


smhon   November 9th, 2010 1:01a.m.


Thanks for the tips, its just that some words just stumble me and then I seem to lose the train of thought. I've noticed it happen a few times.

I like the character components on the side bar, also helps to add mind anchors; just that it's not always available :-(

jww1066   November 9th, 2010 8:24a.m.

Yeah, the components are not 100% yet. If you see one that is missing components or that has an incorrect breakdown, send it to the Skritter guys via the feedback link. There are several good etymology resources online. I use http://zhongwen.com (traditional only) and http://www.yellowbridge.com/chinese/chinese-dictionary.php (both)

smhon   November 9th, 2010 9:35a.m.

I'll be really happy when I can have a retention of my personal target of 3,000

Its actually quite cool to buy a chinese newspaper every so often and force myself to circle words I know. Over time I'm circling more and more words.

The listening part is still weak as well. I have not yet reached a point where I can decipher a news broadcast, though daily conversations are getting more interesting ;-))

In my day dreaming mode...I'm sort of wishing there could be a microchip you can just plug into your ear and learn as you sleep/work/drive(??)

brucejackson   November 12th, 2010 9:22a.m.


I know exactly what you are going through at this stage of learning. I feel the same.

In either reading or listening, sometimes it seems so close, but the meaning still eludes me...still can't quite read a newpaper and can't quite capture a radio broadcast.

As for the repetition...try not to let the frustration of forgetting get you down. Just slow down...take time to actually think about the word. Allow your brain to grasp the new word fully.

You will still forget it, but the next time you come across it, there will be more solid base for remembering.

Learning fewer characters more thoroughly is more beneficial than rapid fire cramming and instantly forgetting.

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