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Turn on P: Pinyin (reading)

Hugo   November 12th, 2010 11:08a.m.

Most of the time I skritter on my HTC phone, and since it is not very practical to practice the part where you have to put in pinyin (touchscreen keyboard), I have turned this off for a while.

Now I want to practice this part where you have to write the pinyin of characters when Skrittering on my laptop, but I found out that all new words I have added did not get into my que for the 'P: Pinyin (reading)' part.

How can I enable the P (Pinyin, Reading) of the 'W T P D' of all my words I have added the last time? Because all added words have only the W T D part enabled.. And so far I haven't been able to find a list with all my words currently being studied where I can easily enable the P part..


nick   November 12th, 2010 11:19a.m.

From the vocab page, you can export all your words. Then you can put those back into a list or your queue and it can add from there to get the missing P (reading) parts.

jww1066   November 12th, 2010 11:49a.m.

One problem with this that I recently ran into is that if you paste a long list of items into your queue, you will invariably get several items that get stuck on "Processing..." and if you paste enough items, eventually the whole process will grind to a halt (presumably you have a fixed number of threads or whatever that are doing the requests to the server). In addition, if you paste in a lot of items you'll get a complaint "too many items in this section" even though the queue doesn't have any sections.

The workaround for people with lots of items to deal with is to paste in their items 100 or so at a time, manually fixing the ones that get stuck in "Processing", but this is quite a lot of manual work.

It would be much nicer if there was an option "add missing parts for items under study", kind of like the options that adds characters when you study words.


Hugo   November 12th, 2010 12:33p.m.

I just got the notification: Too many words in this section. I believe all words were added though (don't know how to check it), think I can just ignore the notification..

And the previously mentioned option sounds like a good idea to me!

kellyl   November 13th, 2010 12:17a.m.

I second the motion for an "add missing parts for items under study" option, that would be great.

I started studying way back when there wasn't an option for reading or definitions. I also started with simplified only, but now I'm also learning traditional. Most of my oldest words are missing parts, and/or are simplified versions only.

It sounds like it would work to make a new custom list, but with almost 2,000 words it would take quite awhile.

MasterOfComboBoxes   November 18th, 2010 8:48p.m.

I second such a feature. I frequently use the reading part with definitions and tones when I am at the keyboard and other times I do writing, tones and definitions with my bamboo. So my lists continuously develop into different states.
As I learn characters much better when writing them I sometimes have a hard time remembering a character I learned in the read mode. I never wrote it yet and it is far back in the writing queue, so never comes up for writing when I switched back to the tablet.

nick   November 19th, 2010 6:12p.m.

I don't think the "add missing parts for items under study" option will fit well, but I'll ask Scott about it; maybe he can think of a way.

We have some vague plans to make this problem irrelevant, but they're all pretty drastic. Scott may ignite them sometime after the new vocab design is done if we can hammer out the details. But there are no short-term solutions coming soon.

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