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Fun chengyu of the day

ximeng   November 26th, 2010 8:59p.m.

魑魅魍魉 - demons; bad people. Good for practising that 鬼 radical I guess. I like the look of this one, anyone found any other interesting chengyu?

murrayjames   November 26th, 2010 11:28p.m.


I spent a summer in Texas on 40 acres of land. In the morning while I was practicing, the cows would wander up to my front door to listen.

Though I loved the attention, the chengyu suggests I was wasting my time with them...

faceleg   November 27th, 2010 1:12a.m.


Good one if you're in China :)

jlm2jlm2   November 27th, 2010 6:03a.m.

What does mean chenyu?

faceleg   November 27th, 2010 6:22a.m.

Chinese idiom, usually 4 characters long. Often associated with long and meaningful stories / legends.


百发没中   November 27th, 2010 10:03a.m.

hey murrayjames

that 成语 is that one I always said I would use as my 艺名 if I ever decided to move around China as an artist ;)

A 成语 I've always liked was 百发百中...and well...my "name" on skritter is obviously based on that chengyu (you may have three guesses as to what that says about my retention rate^^)

WanLi   November 27th, 2010 2:47p.m.

nice cheng yu, the problem with these is there is no way you can really deduct the meaning if you do not know it before hand.


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