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List Editor Alpha Testing

scott   May 24th, 2010 4:52p.m.

Alpha testing has been working so well for Nick with all the new practice page features coming up, so figured I'd try alpha testing the new list editor while I'm finishing it up.

I've enabled editing sections with the new tool for alpha users. Go to any section of any list that you can edit and you'll be able to use the new tool to edit the words within. This is how word editing is going to work in the future: doing it from the list pages one section at a time, rather than going to a separate page for editing the whole list at once. The old list editor is still available to everyone including alpha users for the time being.

The new list editor will also eventually be used for the queue and the scratchpad.

If you'd like to try this and the other new features coming as well, let us know and we can add you to the alpha testers list.

Let us know your thoughts on the new list editor!

balsa   May 27th, 2010 6:05a.m.

Is it normal that in editing mode, the vocab is primarily displayed in Simplified?
However, once saved, it does display back in Traditional, so it's Ok in the end, so I am just saying...

I have my Skritter set to Traditional by default.

scott   May 27th, 2010 11:02a.m.

Yes, the idea being that Chinese lists all work for both simplified and traditional, so you need to see both styles when editing. Mainly so that people studying simplified are encouraged to choose correct single character traditional variants. It should show both though, or hyphenated versions of the traditionals anyway. Would it be better if the traditional strings didn't have common characters hyphenated out?

balsa   May 27th, 2010 11:13a.m.

Well, since I am set to Traditional, I was expecting to have a display like this:
歷史 [历-] lìshǐ: history
instead of
历史 [歷-] lìshǐ: history

I don't have any issues with both ways being displayed though, I think that's good :)

If I remember well, Wenlin displays Traditional first when I have it set to Traditional mode.

scott   May 27th, 2010 1:14p.m.

Hmm, that's a good idea! I'll set it up so it does that instead. Thanks for the input.

balsa   May 30th, 2010 9:16a.m.

Hi Scott,
Have you removed the option to insert new words wherever we want in the Edit Section List?

I think it'd be nice to keep that feature (still available when editing the list). I am adding words from a book I read, and having the new vocab show up in the correct order is helpful.

scott   May 30th, 2010 10:09a.m.

Not at all, it's just not quite as clear how to do so as before, in an effort to keep things simple.

When you click on a row and it becomes editable, you can navigate about with these keys: up and down arrows, page up and down, enter, and escape. Enter in particular is what you want; it inserts a word after the one you're editing, much like as if you were typing in a document. You can also use the directional arrows to navigate all the way to the top and that lets you insert words at the very top and the very bottom.

Do you think it would improve it to add back some way to click between the rows to add a new word?

For more on how to use the list editor, click the "Learn more" link at the top of the editor. That will open a box that will go over the basics, and you can also click to read more on advanced usage. I'd be interested to know how helpful you find that box; I tried to make it nice and concise and clear and it would be good to know if I succeeded!

balsa   June 1st, 2010 7:51a.m.

okk, it just didn't feel very intuitive, and I can't believe I missed the "Hint" @_@
I'll email you any additional feedbacks I have as I use the editor.

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