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New writing?

Schnabelhund   September 11th, 2010 9:37p.m.

There are quite a few characters (in Japanese) that don't appear on the practice screen. The vocabulary viewer says "new writing" in the 'last' column and that they will be due in 6 days. What does this mean?

nick   September 12th, 2010 8:03a.m.

That means we haven't created those characters for Japanese yet. When you go to study them, it sees they're not ready and keeps pushing them back. That way, when we do create them, they'll automatically show up for you.

Not sure when we'll make a bunch more Japanese characters, though--did you need a lot more than we have?

Schnabelhund   September 12th, 2010 9:21a.m.

They're about 30 characters out of 380, so not too many but not very few either. However, I just threw them in the Chinese queue and they all seem to exist there. Would it be a big problem to add them to Japanese, too?

nick   September 12th, 2010 10:11a.m.

Nah, I can do it. Send me the list of 30 characters you need and I'll get them in there.

Schnabelhund   September 12th, 2010 11:50a.m.

Great! Thanks! :)



I think that's it. Sorry if they aren't in the Chinese Skritter, I didn't check them all.
Thanks again!

Patrick G   September 13th, 2010 2:56p.m.

Hey Schnabelhund,

I just took care of the characters you requested. Let us know if you have nay more issues.

Your friendly neighborhood intern

Schnabelhund   September 14th, 2010 5:35a.m.

Thanks, I appreciate it! But there are a few characters that still don't show up: 兎, 冴える, 仇, 亦 and 匡. Are there problems with those?
Sorry, I don't mean to annoy you.

Patrick G   September 14th, 2010 1:51p.m.

Sorry about that. I forgot to upload the changes I made to the site. They should be up momentarily.

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