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Custom Lists: "Done"

dreiundzwanzig   October 20th, 2010 5:07p.m.


I need help with a custom list of mine. Please refer to this screenshot: http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/8796/lists.png
I feel completely stupid right now:
How did I manage to set the status of my first custom list section to "done"?
Was this done automatically? If so, why don't the other sections show up as being done as I am doing progress in my list? I've checked the other sections and all the words in there, up to lesson 9 or so, should be "cleared"?

Can anyone help me with this?

skritterjohan   October 21st, 2010 3:28a.m.

Perhaps you have modified the list after studying it? If you are studying this list or have studied it in the past perhaps try removing it from study (so not remove the entire list, just dont study) and then re-add it. When you study some new words, it will then go through the entire list from the first section and mark everything done that you already know.

nick   October 21st, 2010 9:18a.m.

You added all the words from the first section of the list, so you have finished adding the first section. You happen to already know all the other words from the first 10 sections, but Skritter hasn't gone through and tried to add them from that list yet, so it doesn't know that the list is done to there. If you study that list and try to add a word, it'll take a while, but it'll eventually catch up and mark those other sections as done, too.

Let me know if I am misunderstanding the question.

dreiundzwanzig   October 24th, 2010 10:18a.m.

Hi Nick,

thanks for your answer, I have to admit that I still don't exactly get what's happening (or should I rather say not happening?)

Here is what I did:
1. I created the list
2. I created sections
3. I entered words to each individual section
4. I "opened" the first section, selected all words and clicked "add to queue".
5. After the first section was done I did the same for the upcoming sections (up to section 5 or so) and as I advanced did the same for all the other sections as well. Those sections never got labeled as being "done".

Am I doing something wrong here?
Shouldn't I manually add the words to the queue? For me it seemed as if I don't add the words manually, skritter wouldn't bring them up when practicing.

I now added another custom list, where I didn't add any words to the queue yet. Should I behave differently here?

Thanks for your help!

Byzanti   October 24th, 2010 10:26a.m.

You should be able to click the green "study list" button on the list page itself. This will allow you to add from it in practice.

If it's already clicked (instead you'll see a "cram" button and a "remove list" button), then while practising click on the "active lists" button in the top right to make sure the list is actually being added from (and isn't paused or somesuch).

So you don't need to add the words to the queue each time. This way you're actually studying the list, so the sections will be marked as done appropriately.

dreiundzwanzig   October 24th, 2010 10:35a.m.

Byzanti, thanks for trying to help.

I just checked the list and it appears that I ealready clicked the "study list" button, since I can see the "cram" and "remove list" buttons.

The weird thing is, when I click the active lists button, the small popup says: no lists selected.

Should I try to remove the list and click "study list" afterwards? Will my progress be gone then?

Byzanti   October 24th, 2010 10:45a.m.

That is weird. Perhaps Skritter thinks the list is already done, for some reason?

I guess you could try removing and adding again. On the main practice page if you click remove, you'll be given two options. Select "Stop Adding (recommended)" and it wont affect words you've already added.

Actually, scratch that, you don't need to do that at all. On the list page itself go to "more actions" "study settings" and select the sections ones you want (or all of them). This should make the list show up when practising.

dreiundzwanzig   October 24th, 2010 10:54a.m.

Perfect! It seemed to work with going to "more actions" -> "study setting" -> and selecting all sections (they were already checked though).
The lists do now appear in the "active lists" popup window.

I hope my problem is solved now, if not I am surely going to bother you all with more questions ;)


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