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Suggestions on Chinese <--> English Electronic Dictionaries?

jrc02k   December 30th, 2010 3:28a.m.

I checked the archives, but couldn't find much info. I recently started a job as a translator/interpreter and would like to find an English-Mandarin electronic dictionary to accommodate. I had a 步步高 that I bought in 2006, but I loaned it to a friend overseas. That, and I assume that technology has improved significantly since then. Basically, I want 2-way translation with handwritten input (something my old 步步高 also had). Bonus points if it can do 2-way Spanish-English, but not a must.

Any suggestions?

Thomas   December 30th, 2010 4:05a.m.

itouch? iphone? (Hopefully) Soon you'll be able to Skritter too!

I use the KTdict C-E dictionary but you can find better ones that aren't free

  December 30th, 2010 5:10a.m.

Try Pleco on an iPhone

jrc02k   December 30th, 2010 5:50a.m.

Thanks for the suggestions. Reading your suggestions, I realize that I left out an important part of my question. I will be (probably) using it to take the Australian NAATI certification exams for translation. I generally use Pablo on my laptop, but the NAATI regulations only allow electronic dictionaries that are NOT on phones or computers.

Thomas   December 30th, 2010 6:16a.m.

Ouch! I'd look for a place or friend to borrow/rent one.

Buying a single use device these days is like buying a Popsicle without a stick.

jrc02k   December 30th, 2010 6:47a.m.

Agreed! Looking forward to NAATI adjusting their regulations with that in mind (which is almost as likely as a computer-based HSK essay...)

Feiyue Kell   January 1st, 2011 11:19p.m.

I have a Besta V6, it's really really awesome!
You can write entire sentences in Chinese and it will recognize the characters.
It has around 5 or 6 dictionaries: oxford, english-chinese, chinese-english, slang, and terminology dictionaries (Economics, Politics, Marketing, etc. etc.)
I payed 900 yuan for it a couple of months ago.


Nicki   January 2nd, 2011 5:47a.m.

Congrats on your new job!

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