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"Finish up" Button

Lawnmower16   March 15th, 2011 8:50p.m.

This may seem silly, but sometimes I get so addicted to Skritter, that even when I want or need to stop, it's hard. I think it's because I feel like I should review certain words just one more time, thinking stuff like, "well I haven't had THIS word for a while, maybe I should wait for it first so I don't go another long time without reviewing it."

If this sounds sane at all to anybody but me, I think there should be a feature that will give you the last few most important words you need to review before you quit. Like a "finish up" button. Just a wild idea I thought I'd throw out there.

jww1066   March 15th, 2011 10:47p.m.

So let me just get this straight. The problem is that you're studying too much? ;)

Lawnmower16   March 15th, 2011 10:55p.m.

Haha I guess you could say that. The real problem is that I never feel like I'm at a good stopping point.

jww1066   March 15th, 2011 11:21p.m.

Well, rather than worrying about particular characters, what about setting a certain amount of time that you plan on studying? You could set a timer for 30 minutes, for example.

Milisette   March 15th, 2011 11:29p.m.

Maybe it would be more helpful to have a kind of "shuffle" button that gives you words you haven't seen for a while. Just an idea, cause no matter what I'm doing I can't find the will to abide to time goals I set for myself.

Ekrem   March 16th, 2011 6:16a.m.

I sometimes add the most recent words added to the starred list, so when I feel the need to concentrate on those new words and not the complete list, I practice just on the starred words.

You may find this method also useful.

podster   March 16th, 2011 7:21a.m.

It's a interesting question. If Skritter knew that a user was "winding down" a session how should it behave differently? Refrain from adding words? Feed some easy words to boost morale? Review the most often missed words? Play some transition music.

I have not tried working with starred words yet. How do you get to the practice for starred words? Is it all words that have ever been starred, or just the current session?

Thomas   March 16th, 2011 9:05a.m.

If I over-practice (finishing the items due and reviewing items below 100% ready) I get easy items not studied for months. This is a big morale boost but also brings an urge to plow through a bunch of easy items so they won't pop up later in the week. Obviously, this might take six months to a year before it starts behaving this way.

Anyway, I think over-practicing is a nice touch before ending a session, if it's an option. Also, I have manual adding on, which I feel gives me more control over things like session length.

@podster, practice your starred words from the My Words page. It's everything you've ever starred, which can get interesting.

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