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Can you skritter too much?

夏普本   January 14th, 2013 4:59p.m.

Do you think there is a point where it's too much? I used to average an hour a day, but recently I have been trying to do nearer 2. I have to say I feel like I am remembering more after spending more time.

nick   January 14th, 2013 7:12p.m.

The only point at which you'd be Skrittering too much would be where you're learning things that you won't need. But you can definitely be doing too little of other types of learning, and Skrittering too much can be related to that.

Bodin   January 15th, 2013 3:54a.m.

I would say that you can skritter too much if you don't do it in an even flow.

I've had problem before with spending too much time with skritter during some periods. Not during the intense period itself. It is addictive and fun. But afterwards you will have a queue and if you cannot spend more than 10-15 minutes a day to skritter the month after the intensive period.

Thanks to the Skritter team, this problem is much less now when you can skritter everywhere on iPad/iPhone.

learninglife   January 15th, 2013 7:35a.m.

you cant skritter too much!

but i have to say it depends on the attitude and on what you focus.

when i focus on time , on the minutes you have done, time flows very slowly.
when i focus on the number of characters i still have to review time seems to fly!

so i d say you can skritter too few but not too much!

mcfarljw   January 15th, 2013 11:01a.m.

If you're studying 25 hours a day then you might be studying too much.

夏普本   January 17th, 2013 2:17a.m.

Noticed someone in the newsletter had done 110hours last month. Shows there is always potential for more skrittering I guess. Must try harder!

马洲屹   January 17th, 2013 3:59a.m.

Yep. I saw that as well...an epic achievement. They basically were Skrittering for around 20% of their month. Taking into account that Skritter minutes are less than real minutes...I would hate to think how much real time it took!

roberg   January 17th, 2013 5:47a.m.

I certainly think that you can put too much time into vocabulary acquisition and writing. Only "learning" words in Skritter and never reading or hearing them, nor using them in speech, you will never become proficient at actually using the language. Of course, if you've studied 5000 words in Skritter and then start reading something in Chinese for the first time in your life, you will progress quite fast, but I think it's wiser to combine flashcards with reading, listening and, if possible, speaking. I've recently dedicated more time to reading(and listening, to some extent) after a few months of mainly only using Skritter, and not only do learn more for every minute invested, it's also much more fun.

Mats   January 20th, 2013 6:35a.m.

Interesting...Now, if we can find someone or group of people as an experiment, let them only study skritter vocabs for say two years and no contact with reading or hearing apart from that..hmm
Another experiment could be to get another group just studying idioms/成语 ..

Anyway ;)

Maybe you can't study too much but use your time more or less effectively?

@Bodin, I guess you didn't keep pace with all reviews after intensive period? So you started forgetting the recent additions to the vocab?

Maybe if one planned intensive periods to end with a 'just review' period for a couple of weeks (if knowing that you will not have much time for a future period) you can still catch up all new vocab and have them reach long time memory.

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