Looks like the Great Firewall or something like it is preventing you from completely loading www.skritter.com because it is hosted on Google App Engine, which is periodically blocked. Try instead our mirror:


This might also be caused by an internet filter, such as SafeEyes. If you have such a filter installed, try adding appspot.com to the list of allowed domains.

wacom table troubles

marchey   August 15th, 2010 5:27a.m.


As a farewell present my (former) colleagues bought me a Wacom Bamboo tablet. I installed it at home on a Windows Vista system and it worked very well for about 3 days. This morning it just stopped working, freezin the cursor. Googling around for the cause of the problem I found that there may be an incompatibility problem with the synaptic touchpad on my laptop. 糟糕!It seems that the only thing that can make it work again is to disable the virtual input driver. I tried this, restarted my system, and indeed it worked again, only, not as it should be. OCR is still working but it has no real use anymore as you can not transfer what you write to another application. Using it for skritter is possible but not very practical because i can not reach certain parts of the screen anymore, like the scrollbar, the menu of the brower, etc. Seems that the pad does not know how to deal with a 1440x900 resolution. I am very disappointed.

I post this message in case someone can point me in the right direction. I haven't tried reinstalling yet. I guess that is the next step, but I hesitate as reinstalling software sometimes makes a problem worse. FYI I have run a computer helpdesk for the last 6 years, I know my way around computers. Or at least I am supposed to :-)



marchey   August 15th, 2010 5:28a.m.

sorry, the title should read 'tablet'

Mandarinboy   August 15th, 2010 5:41a.m.

I had some similar problems recently with my own device but I did download the latest driver: http://www.wacom.eu/index2.asp?pid=29&lang=en and that did take care of my problems. I run on a dell so I do not have synaptic touch pad but it might be worth a try anyway. The size of the pad can be set in control\ panel\bamboo if there are any problems with the screen. I use this often since i use my tablet and a projector with a weird screen resolution.

mcfarljw   August 15th, 2010 5:44a.m.

Very disappointing indeed! I had the same problem (but on Windows 7) where I was reinstalling it every couple of days. I would tend to think it's not a touchpad problem because it at least worked for a few days, but I wouldn't hold me to that conclusion haha.

My problem was I originally used the drivers from the CD which were outdated and windows was "intelligently" pulling drivers without my knowing from automatic update. My solution was to remove all the wacom drivers, download the latest from the website, change the driver settings to use automatic update as a last resort and then reinstall.

Might not be related, but parts of that sounded like what I ran into. Goodluck!

Lurks   August 15th, 2010 6:02a.m.

I wonder if you're talking about the tablet just failing to start the service properly on boot? I got that a bunch, had to restart the service all the time. In the end I changed the setting to delayed start up or something and that nailed it.

marchey   August 15th, 2010 8:52a.m.

I followed your suggestions mandarinboy and updated the driver. It is working now -sort of-, navigating around the screen is still akward, sometimes I can reach the bottom or right hand scroll bar, sometimes I can not. When I try to acces the bamboo configruation utility there is an error message advising me to restart the computer and reinstall if necessary. We will see. Anyhow, I can use skritter again, that is good and OCR for hanzi is working again.

Thanks for all the advice


Ekrem   August 16th, 2010 2:16a.m.

I personally haven't had any issues with my wacom bamboo tablet running on Windows 7 (as a virtual machine).

However, if your tablet was working Ok several days ago, u might want to trying doing a system restore to a point in time where it was working.

skritterjohan   August 18th, 2010 9:58a.m.

My bamboo tablet sometimes stops working. What I have to do is go to the preference utility and remove my preferences. The pen works again after that.

Then I can restore a preference backup I made earlier and I am good to go.

marchey   August 18th, 2010 10:10a.m.

In the mean time I have intalled my bamboo tablet again on that Vista computer starting from scratch. There are less glitches now, but sometimes it stops working after a few minutes. Sometimes disconnecting and reconnecting the usb connector helps, but not always. I have since installed the tablet on an XP machine and it seems to be more stable on this laptop.


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