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Thanksgiving sweepstakes

wraith   November 24th, 2010 4:50a.m.

Are Skritter planning on having any sweepstakes to celebrate Thanksgiving? Seems to be a common practice amongst the cool websites these days :)

william   November 24th, 2010 5:14a.m.

Wouldn't make Skritter less cool to me if they weren't

nick   November 24th, 2010 10:37a.m.

A sweepstakes! I hadn't heard of that. I guess we're out of the loop. We are running the monthly challenge:

I think that and the logo Skritter are the extent of our holiday spirit for this one. We're all out visiting family and trying to 胖 up a bit.

arp   November 24th, 2010 12:45p.m.

When I first read this thread, I thought of the challenge, too. It is helping to keep me at it even though so much else is swirling around. BTW I like the Skritter logo figure all decked out for Thanksgiving!

HappyBlue 善卿   November 24th, 2010 3:53p.m.

Not a complaint, but not everyone on this site is American!
As this site is aimed at learners of Chinese from all parts of the world, it's the Chinese festivals that should be noted :)

susannekaiser   November 24th, 2010 4:43p.m.

What about the minority of learners of Japanese?
Let's just celebrate everything ;-)

nick   November 24th, 2010 6:34p.m.

Unfortunately, it's not as easy for us to find, say, Dragon Boat Festival garb for our Skritter as it is to get pilgrim stuff over here. If people like the festive touches, perhaps we can hook up some more variety.

By the way, Japanese learning has been growing significantly on Skritter of late. Chinese is still bigger, but Japanese is catching up!

west316   November 24th, 2010 9:04p.m.

@ Nick - So, it isn't enough for me to be able to read English, simplified characters, AND traditional characters? In order to understand these forums, I now have to be able to read Japanese too?哎呀!

nick   November 24th, 2010 9:52p.m.


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