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TV show recomendation?

DaXia   February 14th, 2011 1:01p.m.

I hope its ok to write non skritter related stuff here?
Anyways, I was wondering if anyone could recommend a GOOD mainland (not taiwan) tv show. By good I mean high quality acting, and at least acceptable quality filming/effects/etc. I dont mean shows that are currently aired.

I have watched some shows before, like 亮剑 (extremely pro China, sucky effects and unrealistic), 蜗居 (too realistic, made me depressed),武林外传(One Chinese tvshow I actually liked, VERY funny and pretty good acting too, I recommend this if u havent seen it).

Anyways, anyone who has something to recommend? I don't like romantic/drama/soap stuff, and not those "cute" family drama/comedy shows.

A few english shows I like are Spartacus, house and 24, if that helps. Animated stuff like manga etc is also something I could enjoy watching, but its hard to find them in mandarin.

Ty in advance guys!

Bohan   February 14th, 2011 2:57p.m.

unfortunately Chinese actors/actresses seem to be light years behind American ones. I think it's because in America, there are lots of acting schools and acting classes are even taught in most colleges. I'm sure there are lots of other reasons too

Thomas   February 14th, 2011 8:33p.m.

I've given up on Chinese TV. I'm looking for any sources for dubbed western TV shows or Movies. If you know of any, please share!

jww1066   February 15th, 2011 9:19a.m.

I learned a lot of Spanish from subtitles in English-language movies... only to find out that NOBODY talks like that. Every once in a while I'll come up with something that makes everyone say "HUH?" and it'll be something I learned from movie subtitles.

Sadly, the rich complexity of English profanity doesn't translate at all into Spanish. Everything becomes one of three things: "¡Maldito sea!", "¡Maldición!", or "¡Qué demonios!"


DaXia   February 15th, 2011 9:23a.m.

So nothing worth recommending then? :/

shinyspoons   February 15th, 2011 3:06p.m.

If you like manga you should check out Miyazaki Hayao’s (宫崎骏) stuff its pretty popular in China, although it, like most other foreign movies, is translated in Taiwan.

One of my favorites is Spirited Away(千与千寻)- http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjQwOTQxMzU2.html

Like has been said before Chinese TV isn't exactly great so translations are probably the best way to go. I am quite liking the Discovery channel translated in to chinese at the moment - http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjEwNzIyOTk2.html

and there is also National Geographic - http://www.youku.com/playlist_show/id_3649807.html

podster   February 15th, 2011 8:39p.m.

Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf is insanely popular on the mainland. You may be able to find some English subtitled videos on line. The site I found for it in China does not allow streaming from here in the US.


cutesy and and a bit surreal. Think Roadrunner meets Sponge Bob.

Thomas   February 15th, 2011 9:10p.m.

Like shinyspoons said, the Discovery Channel is great. I watched lots of Man vs. Wild (荒野求生) before I pledged to only watch Chinese made stuff for a while.

So much for that!

DaXia   February 19th, 2011 6:03a.m.

I found a tv-show called 密战 thats actually pretty good (only watched the first 2 episodes so far, but still).

It's kind of a criminal drama series, and so far it seems pretty realistic. No flashy effects or something like that, but good acting. I recommend it!

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