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Have skritter help you find words u need to practice?!?

DaXia   July 17th, 2011 6:18a.m.

What I mean is this: How about adding a function where skritter would list the words that you often fail at.

For example, when you have failed to write or translate a word 5 times, skritter would automatically add this word to a "words you need to practice list".
This way it would be a lot easier to keep track of those words you may need to practice more, add memnonics (spelling?) to, change the definition of, change the example sentece of etc.
It would be kind of an "automatic" star function.
I'm sure skritter keeps track of this information anyway, so why not use it!

Also, this would be great for people like me who mainly use our phones to skritter (where there is no star).

felouk   July 17th, 2011 6:47a.m.

hmm, isn't that what skritter does? It keeps track of the words you need to practice and then gives it to you?

Antimacassar   July 17th, 2011 6:49a.m.

how about some kind of list of top ten words/characters that you get wrong?

DaXia   July 17th, 2011 7:18a.m.


Yes, I guess so. But a lot of times the reason you have trouble remembering or understanding a word it because you dont really understand the english explanation (especially for those of us who aren't native english speakers), or maybe the example sentence is really bad, or it could be that you need to add a mmenomic (whatever its called).

This function would be a great way to keep track of those words, review them by yourself, add ways to help yourself learn these words and find out why you dont get them.

A lot of times you think to yourself when practicing and reviewing one of those words that "I will add a mmenonic to that word later" or "I will take care of that when I have finished this session", but more often than not you forget (or chose to forget) about it, then when you finally get yourself to sit down and take care of it, you can't remember what words you had a problem with.


Yeah, something like that, but why just the top 10? Why not all, or a sorted list with the top fail word at top.

nick   July 17th, 2011 10:25a.m.

I've had an idea for a feature like this, something similar to what Anki does with automatically detecting leeches. I think your idea for adding them to a "leeches" list will be a great one, and we can do it more easily once Scott's upcoming list system changes are done. I'll put it on my list.

DaXia   July 17th, 2011 4:10p.m.


Lawnmower16   July 18th, 2011 2:15a.m.

One more vote for this idea! More out of curiosity than actual need, though.

Elwin   July 18th, 2011 2:19a.m.

Yes it would be fun to see the top 1000 words I s*ck most at, most often!!

nick   July 18th, 2011 2:29p.m.

We're talking this over and are thinking that instead of making a separate "Leeches" list, we'll just do the logic for detection of leeches while you're practicing, and when one comes up, it'll notify you that it's a leech. Then you can star it, make a mnemonic, delete it, or whatever--up to you.

Nicki   July 18th, 2011 9:44p.m.

Ahhh I'm sure I have about a million leeches.... gotta figure out what to do with them!

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