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Skritter add on MDBG

百发没中   February 6th, 2010 6:42a.m.

I just before was looking up a word and guess what....I spy with my little eye something that is....red.

I did wonder though whether instead of the skritter mascot, wouldn't it be better to add a small flash window (like a mini version of that flash introduction you had on the starting page at the beginning). In that flash thing you could just show a character being written and then being marked correct or not:)
I'm not sure whether people really get how cool skritter is based on the short text in the add...so that might really capture peoples attention.

nick   February 6th, 2010 4:09p.m.

Maybe our current ads (there are several) won't perform well, but at least to us, animated banner ads are pretty brutal, so we'd hesitate to inflict that kind of attention hogging on someone else.

By the way, did you see the "add to Skritter" button in the search results? Now when you look up a word on MDBG, you can add it to your Skritter vocab with just one click. Have a try!

Nicki   February 6th, 2010 4:47p.m.

Wow, I just used it to add a vocab word, excellent!

Byzanti   February 6th, 2010 7:13p.m.

As above!

DrGrace   February 6th, 2010 8:49p.m.

Awesome, hadn't seen that!

BTW, MDBG is how I first learned about Skritter, so good ad placement.

戴莉絲婷   February 6th, 2010 9:56p.m.

Wow! That's great! But one Q - when you add a word to Skitter from MDBG, where does it go? Just to the queue, or can you choose to direct it somewhere, like a list? Or maybe a default "from MDBG" list?

nick   February 6th, 2010 11:44p.m.

Just to the queue for now. If people use it a lot we might be able to wrangle something up that ties in with some queue and list improvements we're making soon.

mjd   February 8th, 2010 1:11a.m.

百发没中 wrote:
> I just before was looking up a word and guess what....

Reminds me: Learning Chinese has made my English grammar go downhill markedly :-)

百发没中   February 8th, 2010 2:24p.m.


I really should re-read stuff before I post it....but what you say is definitely true. Spending time studying Chinese and mixing languages when I speak with my Chinese have not done my English any good (at all). But still...at least I'm not yet saying stuff like "close the lights" and "day day study up":)

balsa   February 10th, 2010 3:30a.m.

nice, i just noticed the "add to Skritter" button and the Skritter ads too :)
looking forward to the newsletter this month to see what's else is brewing :)

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