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adding new words

esther   December 31st, 2012 7:39a.m.

Is there a bug in adding words? I meant to add 15 but it added 100. Happened twice this morning.

nick   December 31st, 2012 3:15p.m.

When you add 15 words, it adds 15 words' worth of items, which are then counted in the review bar. So there might be around 100 new items due from the 15 words you added, for all the different parts (writing, reading, tone, definition) and for some of the component characters in multi-character words. Could that be it?

esther   January 1st, 2013 2:08a.m.

Thanks for clarification.Yes, that could it be. For a very short time after clicking ok I could see something like “100 words”, before it started the countdown xx% added. That confused me.

nick   January 1st, 2013 11:55a.m.

It should say something like "Looking for words"--maybe the "Loo" looked like "100".

esther   January 1st, 2013 2:40p.m.

Next time when I wanted to add new words the ribbon in the “Add how many words” was set on 100 words. Doesn’t that mean that it added 100 words last time? Anyway, Skritter kept me really busy and now everything is back to normal.

DependableSkeleton   January 1st, 2013 10:36p.m.

I have the same problem sometimes. I think that what happens is that I try to change the dial to a new number, but don't quite get the number dead-on. It looks to me like I've selected it, but I'm probably just slightly too high or too low. When I click Done, it defaults to the previous number of words that I added.

esther, did you intentionally add 100 words the time before you tried to add 15?

nick   January 2nd, 2013 12:54a.m.

Hmm; that might be what's going on, then. If it remembered 100, it surely tried to add 100 last time. But esther noted that it happened twice in one morning, which may mean it's not a random selection mistake but something else going on...?

If you switch to eccentric flavor mode in the account settings, the numbers change to a Fibonacci sequence. I wonder if you would see this quirk applied to the 144...

esther   January 2nd, 2013 2:04a.m.

I never added intentionally 100 words. I think Dependable Skeleton you are right. I changed to eccentric flavor and added 3 words. The number 3 stood close to the bottom of the grey ribbon. Then I clicked done. It was then looking for 5 words and scanning 7 words. (Before I changed to eccentric I have added 10 words, without any problems).

DependableSkeleton   January 3rd, 2013 12:41a.m.

When I read esther's first post about it happening twice in one morning, I thought that it was a problem with the selection dial. I often fail twice in a row to change the number to add. However, if esther never added 100 words, then I don't know how it all got started.

esther   January 3rd, 2013 1:58a.m.

I remember that I scrolled down to see what the maximum is. Maybe I touched the 100 correctly (but unintentionally), went up to the 15 and missed it slightly.

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