I did an quick scan of Chinese 成语 (Chéngyǔ) in a few hundred news articles and blogs and to my surprise there are actually a great usage of those even in news. I will scan 10.000+ pages to get better statistics but for now, here are a few of the top ones that I did get now. Note, there is always a debate if a set phrase is 成语 or not. I have used a standard list for this scan.
登峰造极 dēng fēng zào jí(of scholastic attainment or technical skill) reach great heights
高歌猛进 gāo gē měng jìn to advance singing loudly (idiom); triumphant progress
大快人心 dà kuài rén xīn to the great satisfaction of the people
称心如意 chèn xīn rú yì something after one´s own heart
百里挑一 bǎi lǐ tiāo yī one in a hundred / cream of the crop
匪夷所思 fěi yí suǒ sī fantastic / freak (accident etc)
风云人物 fēng yún rén wù a man of the hour
风口浪尖 fēng kǒu làng jiān where the wind and the waves are the fiercest / at the heart of the struggle
丰富多彩 fēng fù duō cǎi rich and varied