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Jouyou Kanji

Polansky   July 5th, 2011 7:29p.m.

I am looking to learn all the Jouyou kanji, but it would be a lot easier if they were all in a single group. It would take forever to make the list myself, so if there are any lists already in existence, please let me know.

Kikko-Man   July 5th, 2011 7:31p.m.

I'm looking for something similar too, so if you find one, please post your results here, and I'll do the same.

rgwatwormhill   July 5th, 2011 7:40p.m.

It might take forever, but actually that time would be fairly useful to you - you'd get a good start towards learning them! Why not do the first hundred, and hope someone else will do the next set?

Lawnmower16   July 7th, 2011 4:08p.m.


Here's a list, ordered by grade. Not a Skritter list, but A convenient list none the less. I think I put up a list of the 80 from grade 1.

Yeah, here it is:

I was gonna do the others, too, but then I realized how much more useful it is to do words/ kanji compounds instead of single characters.

EDIT: I recommend studying this list:

It contains a lot of important kanji and vocabulary. It's a lot easier to remember the readings of kanji when you know several words they are in, rather than just writing it down and trying to dry memorize up to like 12 readings.

scott   July 8th, 2011 3:53p.m.

I'd also recommend the Remembering the Kanji list here:


This covers I believe all the Jouyou Kanji and then some, if you study all three books. The list by itself is very out of context though, I'd recommend getting the books if you're going to study that list. Unlike the JLPT lists, the Remembering the Kanji Lists don't also have words, it's just the characters.

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