I was adding some words to my que, and there is one problem. For some reason you cant edit definitions before you have actually added the word. All that happens when I click the blue "edit" button, is that I can edit the chinese characters.
Anyhow, there is a word that I would like to change the definition of, so I added it to my que then I clicked browse. I have about 200 words in my que, but for some extremely silly reason, you can only view 10 words at a time?!?! Also, there is a ridiculous 20s loading time for each "next page", and there is no way that I will spend 3 and a half minute just clicking next, to be able to edit one definition
Being a smart person, I just opened up the "my words" tab in a new window and just searched for the word that I wanted to change the definition of, but that doesn't make it less silly that there isn't a "show all words" option, or a search option right there on the browsing the que page.