Would it be possible to allow "temporary parts study" for all four parts? As it is now, if you try to check all four boxes it throws an error and won't let you do it until you've unchecked one. I'd like to be temporarily turn off adding but still study all four parts. It'd be useful toward the end of a session when I feel like I've added too many that day, but I still have a few more minutes to go to reach my time goal for the day. As it is now, I have to go over to the account tab, load up the study settings panel, reset it to manual adding, go back to the study tab, study for my last ten minutes, and then remember to reset it to account->study settings->word adding=normal when I'm done.
I guess this might offend UI-purists because I understand it's a hack (I seem to remember that turning off adding was actually an undesired side-effect of the temporary parts feature when it was first introduced, and exploiting that side effect to do something unrelated to temporary parts probably runs afoul of some design principle or something). But it would be super convenient.
I guess a more fundamental question is whether there's some technical reason why word adding speed is buried all the way over in the account tab in the first place, when most of the other similar study settings that you'd want to tweak on the fly are right there in the settings popup in the study app.