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HSK 5 / flash cards / problem

menglidong   October 5th, 2011 4:49a.m.

Dear all,

1. I am studying the HSK 5 list but only want to review the definitions.

2. I opened the settings menu and enabled only the box "definition". No tones, writing etc.

3. But... when I start to study, only two or three words are presented to me, and I don't know how to escape from this loop...

Can anyone help me to solve this?

Feichang xiexie.

Meng Lidong

scott   October 5th, 2011 11:58a.m.

Hi menglidong,

Currently, the study only parts puts the system in review only mode. That means new words can't be added to HSK. To study only definitions, you need to add from HSK normally first (all three parts that you're studying) and then review only the definitions.

This isn't the best solution, but in the future we'll set it up so that you can exclude parts for specific lists, which is what I understand you're trying to do. You don't want to study tones or writing for HSK 5 at all, at least for now, correct?

menglidong   October 6th, 2011 9:14a.m.

Dear Scott,
Thanks for your reply. Indeed at this point I only want to study definitions and only later start with the writing. I will first add a group of words, as you say. Best, mld

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