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Created Vocab but cannot update one word

williambuell   October 15th, 2011 4:05a.m.

I just now created

Description: A small group of Chinese characters are formed by doubling, trebling or even quadrupling the same character component. Some of these characters are not used in modern Chinese language, some of them are often chosen for people’s names, but each of these characters can be served as a good sample of associative logic of the Chinese.

BUT Skritter lists 飝 fēi as UNDEFINED. I tried to edit it and paste in :

three traditional forms of simplified character 飞 “fly” – fly

BUT Skritter will not allow the edit.

I want to make this PUBLIC.

I am told that soon PUBLIC lists will be editable.

So, should I wait to make it public.

Minor question, but curious.

I felt these double, triple, quadruple characters would be fun to study.

nick   October 15th, 2011 9:49a.m.

Once you've saved the word list, then you can click on 飝, then click the pencil next to the definition to edit it and submit a correction (or just a custom definition). You just can't edit the definitions in the same step of putting words into the list.

Definitions are not list-specific, so this one isn't really related to public lists and list editing.

Hope this makes sense!

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