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no longer adding new words

GrandPoohBlah   October 19th, 2011 1:39a.m.

I'm not sure if this is a new bug or user error, but Skritter won't let me add new words from one of my lists at the time being. I stopped adding words a few days ago to prepare for my test that I had yesterday, and then I changed the settings on my textbook's list to skip some sections because we're skipping those chapters in class, then I restarted adding from that list. However, no new words are being added at all. Whenever I restart adding from the list, it spontaneously returns to "stopped adding" as soon as I start to study without adding any new words. It's not as if I don't have any new words to add - there are about 100 on the list in unskipped sections that I don't know.

I hope that was a clear explanation of what's going on. This is kinda bugging me, no pun intended.

GrandPoohBlah   October 19th, 2011 11:22a.m.

Even when studying a single section of a list, I can't study new words, only study ones that have been previously added. When studying a single list or studying all my lists, the "+" button that normally adds new words is greyed out. This is really frustrating.

scott   October 19th, 2011 1:38p.m.

I assume this is "Anything Goes"? I tested your account and couldn't reproduce this bug. I went to the page, checked the settings, and it's already set to add from the last section. Then I clicked 'Study List' so I was studying that list only. Then I clicked the green + button and it added the next word (忽視). Am I doing something differently than you, or is it acting differently even if you follow the same steps as I do?

GrandPoohBlah   October 19th, 2011 6:31p.m.

No, you're following the same steps. I don't know what, if anything, has changed, but words are adding again.

Netbrian   October 24th, 2011 1:31p.m.

I've been seeing this too. It seems to happen whenever I switch between studying only writing versus studying readings/definitions. For some reason, if I tell Skritter afterward to study a single list, it seems to eventually solve the problem and force it to start adding new words again.

scott   October 24th, 2011 1:59p.m.

@Netbrian: How are you switching between studying different parts? I assume by clicking 'settings' in the study page and using temporary parts study?

Netbrian   October 24th, 2011 3:19p.m.

Scott -- No, I click on settings and switch to writing or reading/definition, and then study single/multiple lists as normal.

scott   October 24th, 2011 4:47p.m.

If you're clicking the parts to study in the settings popup on the study page, then you're using temporary parts study. While studying only some of the parts you're learning, no lists are added (because if you added words while only studying some parts, then when you study the other parts again, suddenly you have a bunch of those to study all at once). Could that be what's keeping you from adding words?

GrandPoohBlah   October 31st, 2011 12:10a.m.

I've figured out what the problem is. When I change the study settings on a list (i.e. change which sections I'm skipping), the list resets to adding from the first section of the list. So when I try to add words from that list, Skritter automatically starts from the beginning and checks every word against My Words (of course, all these words are in My Words, since I have been studying from the list for a while) until it reaches the point where I was before. Until Skritter finally catches up with checking all the words from all the sections starting from the beginning, which can take a while when a list has hundreds of words, I can't add any new words from that list. I figured this out because I changed study settings again and Skritter kept telling me "still looking for words to add..." until it eventually hit some banned words, which prompted the message "skipping banned word [word]." I realized that Skritter was simply going through the list again rather than having any substantial trouble adding new words.

I hope that was clear.

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