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Saving words for later

Noqa   November 3rd, 2011 6:57p.m.

This probably has came up many times before, but I coundn't find propor topic.

How can I save word/character for later? This is, instruct Skitter not to teach me it now, but not to ban it indefinitely?

There's star for later reference, but it doesn't seem like what I'm searching for (but I'm not sure, I looked up help section, but have found not a single clue how does this thing works)

scott   November 3rd, 2011 10:14p.m.

Probably put it in a list that you don't study, then ban the word. Then you have a list of words you know you want to go back to, and you simply go to that list and unban it there when you want to study it again.

GrandPoohBlah   November 4th, 2011 12:33a.m.

I do this with lists. I have a couple lists that I want to start studying once I'm done with others that I'm working on, so I study the list, then immediately pause adding so that I'm not actually studying the list quite yet. It makes it easy to remember my goals.

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