My wife received both a Kindle and a Tablet and Skritter works fine.
I installed the free version of
Hanji Recognizer on both devices
It is not very accurate BUT
it is handy to practice strokes with
my finger rather than a mouse on
the desktop AND it is better than practicing on paper and using up a lot of paper.
I use on the desktop to stroke characters for lookup and it is far more accurate (forgiving) than the Android app.
I will most likely be unsubscribing from Skritter at the end of the month because I am retired on a fixed income and even $5 a month is difficult much less $10. But I can always reactivate once or twice a year when I feel like I have gained more confidence.
I have all the Rosetta Stone vocabulary in Google Doc spreadsheets in order of frequency so I can use that together with free Android app to practice.
I considered the Android App from but I read that it takes something like 3 gig which is a lot to take up on my wife's tablet.
Thanks for your help and suggestions in the past!