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suggestion: button [studied compound words with /this/ kanji]

dc1   October 18th, 2012 4:51a.m.

right now I'm studying words and kanji like 通う. sometimes I just cant remember the example words with this kanji, though I already studied them. a button that shows me a list of words I already studied, that include this kanji, would be helpful and very much appreciated. just like the (i)nfo-button in the top right corner of the iOS-app, that shows me the readings and meaning of the 2 or more kanji a compound word consists of.

see these kanji flash cards for referal: right side, number 6-9

dc1   October 18th, 2012 4:56a.m.

to be more precise: not right side 6-9 but middle 1-6 , just with the meaning next to the compound like on the right side (6-9).

nick   October 18th, 2012 7:32p.m.

That's a good idea; I think we could do this for containing words that you've already studied. (It wouldn't know which containing words you haven't studied yet like on the web version, though.)

I'll put this on the feature list, although I'm not sure when we can build it.

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