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app/site progress stats consistency

Bohan   October 23rd, 2012 1:07a.m.

One thing that I just noticed is that the stats that the Skritter app shows aren't consistent with what the site shows.

For example, I just did 100 tone reviews while working through my queue with "tones only". The app shows that I studied 189 character tones and 77 word tones. Neither of these two numbers are close to 100, so I guess the app and the site aren't too consistent in this regard. It would be easier to track things if they were consistent.

Basically, I suppose I can make a note everyday of how many tone reviews are due and then see what the number is at the end of the day and subtract to find how how many I've done, but then I'd have to do a daily math review as well. It would be cool if this were simpler

scott   October 23rd, 2012 12:10p.m.

Character and word tones are considered separate. If you study a word with four characters in it, that's one word tone review and four separate character tone reviews. That's how you get more character tone reviews and fewer word tone reviews.

Bohan   October 23rd, 2012 12:17p.m.

okay, it makes a bit more sense now. It would be cool if the app or site showed how many items have been done. Because the study page shows how many items are due at any given time, so it would be cool if somewhere it the stats there is a stat for "items done"

scott   October 23rd, 2012 1:53p.m.

On the site it shows you the daily stats. On beta I just created a new popup a few days ago to show you todays stats. Does that provide what you'd like? Perhaps a totals row would be good...

CC   October 23rd, 2012 5:11p.m.

Just checked and really like that. Can we have it on the 'main' site? Totals would be good....

nomadwolf   October 24th, 2012 12:41a.m.

Looks good. Perhaps the time spent should be in smaller increments than hours?

Bohan   October 24th, 2012 2:18a.m.

Cool, I'll check it out soon

Bohan   October 24th, 2012 10:45a.m.

I'm looking at the Beta progress page right now. It looks a lot like the app progress stats.

Question: where it says "reviews" on the Beta page progress page, does the sum of the numbers in that column mean the number that was decreased from the number shown on the homepage and study page (i.e. items due now:xxxx) ? I suspect that's not how it's currently set up

scott   October 24th, 2012 2:21p.m.

@Bohan: No it doesn't. When you study an item, it often pushes back related items at the same time so that, for example, if you study the reading for a word, you don't necessarily see the tone or definition or writing for that same word too soon.

We have plans to tweak how the item count is done on the iOS app to see if we can make it always go down by one, but it's a complicated and bug-prone system so it's not trivial to make.

@CC: Changes on beta get pushed to the live site about once a month. We don't push things early unless they are important bug fixes, so that the stable site stays, well, stable. All new stuff gets vetted by beta testers on the beta site first so that we keep the number of bugs most users see to a minimum. But you can always be a beta user to get the latest and greatest changes!

nomadwolf   October 25th, 2012 4:37a.m.

How are the "Added" stats counted? Is it just when I see a "new tone" or whatever? Or when Skritter says "word added" does it mean all of the parts are added to the count?

scott   October 25th, 2012 1:24p.m.

The former, when you first study it.

Bohan   October 27th, 2012 10:35a.m.

another stat that I think would be beneficial to have displayed is how many items were studied in the review queue. So, for example, if I make a new list and cram it, and do nothing else all day, I would like it if there is a stat that shows "Zero items reviewed today". Basically, I always do at least a little bit of reviews, so the number would be at least something like "10 items reviewed today" or something like that.

I think this is a good stat to have, because if the stats show big numbers like "1400 tones studied today", but all of those are from one long new list of words that were cram-studied, then it's really not significant because it was just a bunch of the same items studied over and over again. If ,on the other hand, it's 1400 review items studied, then that's a significant stat, because those are 1400 different items, none of which were just added and fresh in the user's memory.

Bohan   October 28th, 2012 2:10a.m.

@nomadwolf I agree with what you said about having smaller increments than hours. Just now I was looking at the progress page and saw that I've done 0.37 hours of Skrittering today. I seriously have no clue how many minutes that is, and I'm not in the mood to calculate it

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